Saturday 11 December 2010

Monday 6 December 2010

wo0o0ow my new car

I am so so happy because my car arrived yesterday  and i will go to college by my self
I bought a new car  ((suzuki celerio)) model 2010. It is very nice and lovely car, I like it. I asked them  about the car they told me it is very very comfortable to drive it

Sunday 7 November 2010

i am so so so so so happy ....
yesterday i was sad about the exam
at the same day when i went to home and i was with my laptop my mam came and told me that she bought car for me i am so0o0o0o0o happy

Wednesday 13 October 2010

yastrday i was very sad beacouse my mam told me she will buy for me a car but yasterday my mam told my big sister she will change her car and buy it new one...
and i dont know if she will buy a car for me or not
what can i do if i see my sister has new car and me not??

Monday 27 September 2010

Do you smoke? Have you ever stopped to think about how smoking is affecting your body and your life? Most teens are aware that people who have smoked for one in minute, can get lung cancer and emphysema and eventually die, but many don't know about all of the bad things that smoking can to them right now.if you
smoke, you owe it to yourself to find out about the effects of smoking on your life now.The health is important thing to think about it in this life if you want to be good healthy.

Everyone knows that smoking can cause cancer when you get older, but did you know that it also has bad effects on your body right now, A cigarette contains about 4000 chemicals, many of which are poisonous.
Every time you inhale smoke from a cigarette, small amounts of these chemicals get into your blood through your lungs. They go to all the parts of your body and cause harm.

i heat every one smoking ,they think the smoke is good and better thing to do,i hope every one who smoking to stop smoking and to complete his or her life without smoking,just i hope i cant do something just i hope.

Friday 3 September 2010

just many day to finish Ramadan and start Eid i don't have any time to study and do homework i mean I'm busy i feel  like i wanna kill my self ... all my sisters sleeping and i week up in the morning to start new day to go to college...i hate my self i hate the college